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Friday, 22 June 2012

Le Goldfish Moment!

Hello dear readers!


I'm supposed to write something important...


But what is it?


Oh my God.

What am I doing here?



Gotta go now.

Thanks for reading.



Raging waters,
Brought upon calamity waves,
That dreadful tides which force us away,
From our secluded shores...

Send me a submarine,
So i can dive deep down into you,
Searching for something,
That lurks beneath your consciousness...

Dear Water,
The essence of our Nature,
Love me tender,
Make me better.

Bila Baby Bercerita...

"Okay camni cerita dia sebenarnya..." - Baby.

That's the best story ever!

And I miss you too!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Sisipan Saiz Semut

Siapakah semut tanpa gula?

- Iaitu seekor makhluk yang tidak sempurna fitrahnya.

Siapakah insan tanpa Tuhan?

- Iaitu seorang makhluk yang gelap hatinya.


Jangan pernah mengaku sempurna,


Buruk akhlakmu tanpa kesopanan,
Hina tuturmu tanpa kesantunan,
Binasa hidupmu tanpa pedoman,
Dan hilanglah arahmu tanpa tujuan...

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Creepy Caramel

Care not to tell, caramel.
Be careful of what you wished for, as it might not end well,
Lotsa things have been heard, more often they want to tell,
Not swell, do pray tell....

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Lumpur & Langit

Kaki tersekat dalam lumpur ada hati berangan nak pijak awan...
- Milo Kora 3 (2012) -

Friday, 1 June 2012

Mundane Manifesto

They go to such a length signifying their political prowess,

The plan backfired as society detest,

This is not a test,

Nor a concert or contest.

A Cuppa Changes

There she is,
Sipping a cup of coffee,
Then rises up swiftly,
Straight off to work,
That's funny,
She never liked coffee before,
Things change over time,
Somehow she's different but,
That difference doesn't do any harm,
She's still a part of the society,
That's all.